Your 3 IN 1 Membership gives you access to not only value added member benefits but also access to networking, training, advocacy and other local, state and national opportunities.
companies that provide services, materials and supplies to our industry) to apply for membership, we do have minimum standards for membership that all applicants must meet.Our members pledge to the BANWPA Code of Ethics and is of good character and business reputation, and who has been continuously in the current business for a minimum of 2 years.
Why go to Google or Angie's List when you have the Builders Association? WE ARE YOUR LOCAL resource! From informative articles to referrals to builders and contractors in our community, we are here to help with all of your home projects! We can help you to make informed decisions when choosing any type of contractor. Not only are we here to help the contractors, we are also here to act as an independent third party to help you find the trade professionals to meet your needs.
All Members pledge allegiance to the Code of Ethics in all business dealings and to adhere to the principles and policies, listed below, of the Association:
Builders Association Code of Ethics - to ensure a high level of honesty and fair business practices among association members. Members constantly strive to meet the following ideals: honesty & fairness in business practices, compliance with laws and codes, insurance & safety regulations, high quality in design & craftsmanship and professionalism in all business dealings.
Contractor Quality Commitment Standards - The Contractor Quality Commitment (CQC) program was developed by the small contractors committee of the Pennsylvania Builders Association to provide a program of positive support to the construction industry. The program provides for three phases: 1) to establish criteria for membership, 2) to develop and enforce standards of excellence for reputable contractors, and 3) to educate the general public regarding the benefits of receiving services from reputable contractor.
Peace of Mind - The BA has developed a local CQC program that identifies acceptable levels of industry professionalism, establishes a screening procedure for new and existing members and provides a method for handling consumer complaints.
References Checked - Each individual or business applying for membership to the Builders Association of NWPA is required to provide references.
Proof of Insurance - Each BANWPA member must provide annually, a current insurance certificate with the Builders Association of NWPA listed as the certificate holder, showing proof of general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.
Need some help? A referral?
Doing your research before choosing a professional to complete the job is one of your most important decisions. Below are some articles to help with your project. Questions?
Give us a call at 814-833-3999 - we are always happy to help!
CHECKLIST to finding
a builder you trust
It can be overwhelming when you start the process of looking for a professional for your project. No matter if you use a trade professional we refer, or someone you find on your own, there are some important questions you should ask before you hire them. Below is a checklist you can download to help hire someone you can trust.

Spring is around the corner, so you might be motivated to tackle a household project that you’ve been avoiding all winter long. Regular household chores such as changing air filters or replacing lightbulbs are low cost and easy ways to keep your home running optimally. If you’re preparing to take on a bigger project......

Don't try this at home
DIY Mistakes to avoid