Your 3 IN 1 Membership gives you access to not only value added member benefits but also access to networking, training, advocacy and other local, state and national opportunities.
companies that provide services, materials and supplies to our industry) to apply for membership, we do have minimum standards for membership that all applicants must meet.Our members pledge to the BANWPA Code of Ethics and is of good character and business reputation, and who has been continuously in the current business for a minimum of 2 years.

The Builders Association of NWPA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) supporting the building and related trades in Erie, Warren, and Crawford counties. All members subscribe to a code of ethics that is recognized by the community they serve. The Association is goverened by an elected Board of Directors that pledge to uphold Association bylaws and policies.

When you become a member of the Builders Association of NWPA you also become a member of the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Each of our memberships provide benefits exclusively for our members. Learn more....
The Builders Association of Northwestern Pennsylvania was formally chartered on October 31st, 1945 as the “Home Builders Association of Erie County”. The earliest records from formal meetings date back to December 6th, 1944 with Mr. Harry Baughman acting as temporary chairperson, and eventual first President from 1945 to 1946. The first organizational meeting was held at the Erie Club, under the sponsorship of First National Bank. There were twenty charter members.